What hobby horse accessories do you need?

Hobby horse rider

You can have many different hobby horses if you just have time and space for them, but you can have a ton of different accessories. But what do you really need for accessories? Lets start with bridles, halters, leadropes and sticks. 

1. Bridle for hobby horse

The "must have number 1" accessories for hobby horses is a bridle even if hobby horses can be ridden bareback. It is still much more common to ride with bridles. There are several different types of bridles, but for the most part you will do well with a regular bridle. Find the different bridles in our Shop under Accessories. We have a regular Snaffle bridle and a Mexican bridle in different sizes and colors. The BASIC S hobby horse has its own bridle and is called "Bitless bridle for BASIC S".  If you have a HUMMA hobby horse it is easy to find the right size for your hobby horse, they are sizes M, L and XL. Otherwise you will find the measurements on the product side and you can measure if it fits your hobby horse. 

2. Halter for hobby horse

A halter is used when you are taking care of the horse horse, you lead the hobby horse to the paddock or you ties it up. A halter shall not be too thight. It is good if you can get two fingers under the strap. Halters can be made by yourself but if you don´t have the time or ability to make them you can find different sizes and colors in our shop. If you have a HUMMA hobby horse it is easy to find the right size for your hobby horse, they are sizes M, L and XL. Otherwise you will find the measurements on the product side and you can measure if it fits your hobby horse. 

3. Lead rope for hobby horse

When using a halter you will always need lead rope too. They are found in different colors in our shop under the accessories section.

4. What more?

There is a lot of more accessories you may need or just wants. You can make different sticks, obstacles to jump over, make a stable for it, have cloths for the hobby horse and so on. The list is never ending..

Happy hobby horse riding times to you all!

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